engage inspire prepare

Holsey pauses for nine minutes and 29 seconds in remembrance of George Floyd at the Altoona Black Lives Matter March, held on June 6, 2020.

Pushing for Progress

As the newly elected leader of Blair County’s NAACP chapter, political science major Andrae Holsey has no plans to slow down his fight for social justice.
Closeup of a nurse wearing a mask

Game Face

Student-athlete nursing majors are embracing the challenges of COVID-19 and are more confident than ever in their career paths.
People wait in line to get flu masks to avoid the spread of Spanish influenza on Montgomery Street in San Francisco in 1918

Letters from a Pandemic

Assistant Professor of History John Eicher studies survivors of the 1918 pandemic, exploring how they felt about what happened to them.
A plate created by ceramic artist Michelle Ettrick

Shaping Clay into a Pot

Influenced by instructors and inspired by memories, ceramic artist Michelle Ettrick followed an unconventional path that brought her artwork and her expertise to Penn State Altoona.